What are the pros/cons for a headless instrument?

Pros: smaller/shorter instrument. They're great for travel as they fit in an electric guitar sized gig bag. They work well if you find yourself on small, crowded stages (small clubs, coffee houses, orchestra pits, etc..). Sonically, they typically possess a more...

I’ve never owned a Muckelroy “yet” or any bass that didn’t have a painted finish. One question that I’ve been wondering, what types of oil (oils, mixture etc) do you use for sealing your basses and how many coats or applications do you apply to each one, and does different wood types require less or more? And does an owner of one of your basses need to periodically reapply?

I use a three part mixture of teak oil, thinner and semi gloss poly. I use between 3 and 6 coats depending on the woods involved. Woods that are less dense or more open-pored tend to drink up a little more, requiring more coats.Owners of instruments with this type of...